Breaking Down the Highly-Anticipated 'Deadpool & Wolverine' Trailer

Explore some key Easter eggs dissected by Fandom Daily from the latest trailer of 'Deadpool & Wolverine,' slated for a July 26, 2024 theatrical release.

by Gabbi Calvert - Apr 23 2024

The latest trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine has landed (April 22), and it’s a veritable goldmine of Easter eggs, hidden references, and cheeky nods to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the film set to star the series' original actors Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), this trailer has set the internet ablaze with speculation and excitement, and it's not hard to see why.

Released as the singular Marvel movie of 2024, its debut has been a red-letter event for fans. The teaser, brimming with secret clues and laugh-out-loud moments, offers a glimpse into what promises to be a rollercoaster of an adventure – blending signature Deadpool humor with Wolverine's gritty intensity. If you've somehow managed to avoid the tidal wave of online chatter, now’s your chance to dive into the buzz and catch the trailer for a firsthand look at the madness.

Watch the highly-anticipated trailer here:

R-Rated Riot and Callbacks Galore

From the get-go, this trailer wastes no time in establishing its tone. In just the opening moments, Deadpool delivers his trademark irreverence with an explosive f-bomb, setting the stage for a film that embraces its R-rated heritage with gusto. At precisely 27 seconds into the trailer, a close-up reveals a humorous inscription on Deadpool's gun: "Smile, wait for the flash." This isn't just a throwaway gag; it's a direct link back to Deadpool 2, where this same phrase adorned his weaponry. It's these meticulous details that thrill die-hard fans and enhance the viewing experience, showcasing the filmmakers' dedication to continuity and their deep understanding of what makes Deadpool so beloved.

A fan took to X, stating,  “smile and wait for the flash is so pure deadpool omfg i’m so excited for this movie,”

Comic Quips on Foot

As Deadpool and Wolverine traverse a war-torn street in slow motion—a classic superhero movie trope—the camera pans to a shop sign reading "Liefeld's Just Feet," a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek reference to Rob Liefeld, the original comic book creator of Deadpool, who is infamously critiqued for his unique approach to drawing characters' feet. This moment of meta-humor not only serves as a playful internal joke for fans familiar with comic book lore but also reinforces the self-aware humor that Deadpool is known for. It's a clever inclusion that connects the film to its comic book roots while engaging the audience in the in-joke (Gamespot).

Find the full breakdown of the joke in a TikTok by a fan below: 

@sidekickink Rob Liefeld can’t draw feet #deadpool3 #deadpool #deadpoolandwolverine #robliefeld ♬ Lemonade - Shtriker Big Band

Sneaky Serpents and Future Teases

Behind the comedic antics and dynamic action, the trailer cleverly plants seeds for future MCU storylines. One particularly subtle yet intriguing detail is the neon-pink "Copperheads" sign in the background during a key action sequence. To the casual observer, this might just be part of the urban clutter, but for those versed in Marvel lore, it hints at possible plot developments involving The Serpent Society, a notorious group of villains in the comics. This could be setting the stage for their appearance in the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World, suggesting a broader narrative arc that will extend beyond this film. 

X-Men Assemble

In a brief yet loaded moment, the trailer showcases a gathering of mutants, hinting at an ensemble that includes characters from past X-Men films. This not only serves as a nostalgia trip for long-time fans but also as a critical plot element, reinforcing the MCU's interconnectedness. The appearance of characters like Lady Deathstrike and Azazel not only ties back to earlier films like X-2: X-Men United and X-Men: First Class, but also suggests a deeper exploration of their backstories and how they now fit into this new narrative fabric.

The trailer features a visually striking sequence where a post-apocalyptic vehicle reminiscent of Red Skull's car from Captain America: The First Avenger races across a desolate landscape. 

This scene does more than just pay homage to earlier films; it evokes a Mad Max aesthetic, blending classic Marvel elements with dystopian themes. This mash-up of styles creates a fresh visual palette for the film while nodding to its cinematic predecessors, enriching the overall texture of the MCU and expanding its thematic range.

See a breakdown on TikTok from IGN about these characters and the depiction of Red Skull’s car: 

@ign How many X-men cameos do you think we’ll get in Deadpool 3? #deadpool #deadpoolandwolverine #marvel #mcu #trailer #easteregg ♬ original sound - IGN

Enter Dogpool

Among the trailer’s delightful surprises is the introduction of Dogpool at the 1:56 mark. This moment is not just a cute cameo; it signifies the film’s playful approach to exploring the multiverse, introducing audiences to different variants of familiar characters. The reveal of Dogpool in the trailer is not just a whimsical addition but a creative dive into the vast possibilities of the Marvel multiverse. Dogpool isn't just any character; she's a canine iteration of Deadpool, akin to other animal variants in superhero lore, such as Alligator Loki from "Loki" and Spider-Ham from The Spider-Verse. This inclusion of Dogpool suggests a playful yet potent exploration of character variants across different realities, enriching the narrative with multiversal mayhem.

In the comics, Dogpool is originally a male dog named Wilson from Earth-103173 who undergoes experimentation by the nefarious Mascara X —think a sinister mashup of the Weapon X program and cosmetic testing on animals. This experimentation endows him with powers remarkably similar to Deadpool's, including disfigurement and a regenerative healing factor. Dogpool's journey in the comics sees him joining the Deadpool Corps, a team of Deadpools from various dimensions, including notable members like Lady Deadpool and Kid Deadpool (We’ve Got This Covered).

Introducing a gender-flipped Dogpool is a fascinating twist, expanding the film's scope to include a diverse array of Deadpool variants. This change not only freshens the character's dynamic but also hints at a broader assembly of Deadpools in the film, echoing the comic book's Deadpool Corps. Including other potential Deadpool fuels excitement about the film's approach to the Deadpool mythology.

Find all the cuteness of Dogpool on her official Instagram. 

Jumping Into A New Adventure

The trailer culminates in a truly spectacular finale that has every Marvel fan buzzing with excitement. As Deadpool and Wolverine heroically leap into a swirling magical portal, it’s a visually stunning nod to the mystical realms of the MCU. Those well-versed in the universe’s sorcery-laden lore can't help but speculate about the implications of such a scene. This isn’t just any portal—it’s a gateway that suggests the involvement of some serious magical firepower.

Doctor Strange, the MCU’s foremost sorcerer, has been navigating the complexities of the multiverse long before it became a household term, thanks to his mind-bending adventures in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The appearance of this portal naturally leads to whispers and hopes among fans: could we see Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange join forces with our beloved anti-heroes? The idea of Strange, with his vast magical knowledge and prowess, teaming up with the chaotic yet endearing pair of Deadpool and Wolverine is enough to send shivers of anticipation down any fan's spine.

A fan took to X, wondering who may be controlling Deadpool and Wolverine’s portal. Our Fan Of View is the same as this fan’s, a wish for a callback to Ned Leeds from Spiderman: 

Alternatively, the MCU is never short on surprises. Could this portal introduce a new sorcerer into the fray? The possibility of a fresh face wielding magic alongside our established heroes adds an exhilarating layer of mystery and potential to the unfolding narrative.

This trailer is not merely a collection of scenes; it's a masterfully crafted mosaic of humor, action, and intrigue that serves as a love letter to fans of the Marvel universe. With each frame packed with potential clues and callbacks, Deadpool and Wolverine promises to be a film that not only entertains but also rewards the attentive and dedicated Marvel fanbase. As we look forward to the global release on July 26, it’s clear that this film will be a pivotal moment in the MCU, offering a blend of nostalgia, innovation, and relentless entertainment.

Photo Credit: @vancityreynolds on Instagram.



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