Musicians Breakdown Their Fourth of July Memories & Traditions

Emerging and established artists like Cody Cozz, WHIT, Vincent Mason, Leah Turner, and others share their 4th of July memories.

by Trevor Justin - Jul 04 2024

The Fourth of July, with its brilliant fireworks and melodies of freedom, holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans. But for musicians, this day resonates even deeper, intertwined with memories of performances, patriotic anthems, and moments that forever marked their careers.

For some, it's the first time they felt the thunderous applause of a proud nation; for others, it's a cherished tradition that brings back the nostalgia of simpler times!

As we explore what the Fourth of July means to many, Fandom Daily has asked several emerging and established musicians for their take on the nationwide holiday and their favorite memories from the past Fourth celebrations. 

Troy Cartwright

"The 4th of July to me means a moment to take stock. To celebrate all the gifts that we've been given as a country and as humans, and to make sure that we're using those gifts judiciously. Be that spending time with family or taking a trip to see a part of the country that I've never seen before... this time of year it's always good to remember that we're able to do these things we choose to do and I try and never take that for granted."
Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "My favorite 4th of July memory was going to Kennebunkport, Maine when I was 10 or 11 years old. We planned it so last minute and my family never did anything on a whim - I remember that it was SO HOT in Dallas that summer and the weather was SO NICE in Maine in July. I got to sail, eat lobster, and experience a bunch of stuff I'd never had the opportunity to do before. It was very special and I'll always remember it."
Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

"The 4th of July is really special to me. I’m a very proud American and love the USA. I love being able to spend time with my family enjoying the freedoms that so many sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy. I don’t think they wouldn’t want it any other way."

Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "My favorite 4th of July memory is really not a favorite memory; more like a favorite story that I enjoy telling every year. When I was about 6 years old I stepped on a lit sparkler and still have the scar on the bottom of my foot to this day. It’s a crowd favorite."

Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

Vincent Mason

"Summer has always been one of my favorite times of the year. It brings back all the memories of growing up in Georgia and being off from school. The 4th of July always marked the peak of summer. Nothing gets more all-American and I still spend it with people I love."

Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

"I know that most everyone will say Freedom, or at least I hope they do. But it's the truth. The fireworks are pretty, the quality time with friends and family is wonderful, but I always come back to that none of that would be possible without the men and women who have fought and are fighting for every single one of us."
Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "I love a good fireworks display. My birthday is July 7th, so we've always tried to work in birthday plans for the 4th! I love that it falls in the summer because I love being out in the sun!"
Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

Jordana Bryant

"To me, the 4th of July is a celebration of the creation of the United States, the land of the free, which many brave American soldiers have fought to protect and keep free. It’s about honoring what it took to gain freedom and what it takes to maintain this freedom. Growing up, during the summers we would live with my grandparents in Florida and my favorite 4th of July memories are definitely staying up and watching the fireworks on the beach with them."

Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

Erin Kirby

"My favorite 4th of July memory is from when I was around 9 years old. My family and I went to Hawaii for the holiday and we got to watch the firework show on the beach. The 4th of July to me is a celebration of freedom and a day to recognize how beautiful America truly is."

Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

"Freedom is in the air! It’s a time to celebrate our country, unwind and enjoy good company!"
Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "It’s a toss up! We’ve had some pretty amazing 4th of July shows over the years but I also love just being home, throwing a little backyard shindig with family, friends and the fur babies; just soaking in the moment."
Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

"4th of July represents freedom, fight, and sacrifice. Sueños en tu corazón... Dreams in your heart that come true off the backs of others that selflessly have laid their lives down for us, so we can be independent and American Made."
Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: Watermelon covered in Tajín, and some carne asada on the grill. Floating in a pool with a cold Coors Light in one hand while sipping on some tequila. Best fireworks show ever? Over the ocean in Encinitas, CA.
Photo Credit: Provided by Artist
"The Fourth of July is celebrating the birth of our beautiful country! It’s spending time with friends and family grilling up burgers and hot dogs, getting sun burnt from being out in the pool too long and proudly waving the red, white and blue!"
Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "My favorite memory as a child was living in a culdesac and all the neighborhood kids would scooter down in their red, white and blue bathing suits. We would always set up a little karaoke machine on a trailer and sing, throw water balloons at each other with ketchup and mustard still on our faces from our hot dogs. Then we’d all watch the fireworks together. Good times!"
Photo Credit: Provided by Artist

"To me, the 4th of July is the perfect day to revel in the freedom to spend time with our favorite people. It’s an awesome opportunity to set aside our differences and celebrate the sacrifices made for this beautiful country we all get to call home."

Favorite memories, traditions, BBQ items: "On the 4th of July I love an iced cold beer and fireworks to end the day! I give myself permission to eat anything I wish on this holiday!"

Photo Credit: Provided by Artist


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